Safety Threats

Safe Spaces Save Lives

Today’s kids are too often faced with threats to their stability and well-being. Neighborhood and community violence is proven to lead to social, emotional, and cognitive problems, and bullying both at school and online can have a negative impact on a young person’s state of mind. When kids don’t feel safe, they can’t learn, grow, or develop resiliency that will aid them throughout their lives. We create a refuge, a second home, and a safe space where young people have the freedom to focus on reaching their full potential.

Has the world ever felt less stable for kids? Neighborhood violence threatens them. Physical and verbal abuse darkens their days. Cyberspace is a new kind of minefield, and crime rates spike in after-school hours. Kids are prioritizing survival today over aspirations for tomorrow. But we provide a refuge from the fear. Space spaces where kids can feel secure, relax, learn—and dream.

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